CS 355: Applied Zero Knowledge Proofs

Spring 2025

Succinct non-interactive proof systems, also called SNARKs, have emerged as an extremely versatile tool that is used in many areas of computing, including blockchains, data provenance, and machine learning. This course provides an in-depth coverage of how SNARKs work and how to use them in practice. We will cover the beautiful ideas used to construct SNARKs, along with a programming project that will teach students how to use the latest SNARK tools. The course assumes no prior knowledge of zero-knowledge proof systems, but does require an understanding of the basics of cryptography, as covered in CS255 or equivalent.


Lectures: Tue/Thu:   3:00-4:20pm,   Building 200 Room 305.
Section: Friday:   2:30-3:20pm
Course syllabus (and readings)
Course overview (grading, textbooks, coursework, exams)
Course staff
Discussion board: Ed Discussions.

Homeworks and Projects

Homework #1:    not out yet
Due: Tuesday, Apr. 15, 2025, via Gradescope (code="Y2V2PR")
Homework #2:    not out yet
Due: Tuesday, Apr. 29, 2025, via Gradescope
Project:    not out yet
Due: Tuesday, May 13, 2025, via Gradescope
Homework #3:    not out yet
Due: Tuesday, May 27, 2025, via Gradescope

Course calendar